
Photober day #22, #23 and #24

Well hello there guys,
Today is the day that....... I can update my photoberblogpart AND tell you some exciting news.
Let´s start with the photoberdays missing which will be day 22, 23 and 24.
Photober day #22 Architecture
At first I wanted to take a photograph of our house in Gent, then I thought about taking a photo of a house on my way to the faculty in Merelbeke which we (my housemates and me) consider being our dreamhouse. It's this amazingly big castle on an amazingly big land. Unfortunatly it's about to be demolished. ANYWAY on my way back from the faculty I came across this residence and thought it looked a bit like Villa Kakelbont.
Photober day #23 Shadow
My favourite part of the day, cyclying back from the faculty with the lovely weather it is right now, sunny warm and beautiful. Later that night a really great idea popped up but I had no camera on me so maybe I'll include it somewhere later this week with one of the other challenges.
Photober day #24 What's in your bag
Had a lot of fun doing this challenge since I hardly ever clean out my bag, I did it a minute after I took these photo's because than I realized how big of a mess my bag actually was.
So what's in my bag?
Collegeblok, Book on Organic Chemistry, notebook, agenda, colouring pencils, strepsils (cool), handkerchiefs in menthol, a bottle of water, my halloween-glove, lipbalm coconut and mango by H&M (a present by my lovely friend), a perfum mOOd by roxanne, Catrice lipstick in the colour Be Natural!, Vaseline, Dove deodorant, my dutch phone, some more pencils and pens, Labello hydro care lipbalm, sunglasses, a gum and my wallet.
The exciting news is... drumrolls please....
I'm throwing a Halloween-party upcoming saturday at my parents house. Really really looking forward to it. Hopefully be watching a movie or something on friday with my friday-night-movie-night friend whom is amazing amazing amazing and really awesome in case you haven't noticed!
AND I found an amazing song by Scarlett Johansson called Relator.
Hope you all have a nice day and night and I'll see you guys when I'm back with hopefully tomorrows challenge,

ps. here's a little sneak peak, my halloween make-up and hair.


Photober day #19, #20 and #21

Hi guys,

as usual this weekend didn't have enough hours to do everything so here's my three day photober update. Hopefully this week I'll be able to keep up with blogging every day although it'll be a full week of studying, going to the gym, horses, more studying, Gocart-race tomorrow, more studying, more going to the gym and working on my Halloween outfit for upcoming weekend!
Anyhow I'll start with all the photober days and after that I'll give you all a quick update on my lovely weekend which has been one amazing day and night after another so cheers to that!
Photober day #19 Ritual
This picture shows my lovely night skincare/mouthritual which contains of taking my make-up off (Olaz), cleansing my skin (Dove), brushing my teeth (3D thoothpaste), flossing and using mouthwater. Ofcourse my biggest ritual is putting on my PJ's which takes a lot of time because I am unable to stand on one leg for more than 0.2 seconds so it turns out to be pretty tricky getting that thing on.
Photober day #20 Autumn
I choose a picture I took about four days ago when I went to the park with monsieur le puppydog Jessie who had an amazing time chasing leaves around. It's an amazing park with a beautiful scenery.
Photober day #21 Shoes
Since I've used my shoe collection in Gent for my Transport-challenge I choose to wear the shoes I've got back at my parents house. The Red highheels are from Cafe Moda, their really comfortable and I've got no trouble at all walking in them, I really love these heels and I think their both casual and classy so you can wear them at all times. My sneakers are from Ethnies and I actually bought these on sale almost two years ago in Dortmund, Germany. I wear these sneakers all the time, really like them.
So that was the photoberpart of tonights blog. It's actually 23.16 right now and my bodyfunctions are slowly shutting down so this will be a quick update on my weekend.
On friday I hung out with a friend of mine, watched 007's Die another day. It was a really nice night in, just chilling on the couch talking and watching tv. Saturday is always a way to busy day, I got up and walked the dog got ready and stuff, most of my time I used working on my Halloween-costume which I'm really excited about and can't wait to show you guys the result! My sisters, dad and I ordered pizza and pasta, I choose the pasta carbonara as always, god I love that dish. Anyhow, I went to 't Paard in The Hagua with him (him being the friday-night-movie-night-amazing-friend) and a few other friends of mine, had a really nice night watching bands untill 23.00 after that we went to the Vavoom which is this AMAZING cocktailbar, my friend and I both had a frozen fruit daiquiri, he had Mango and I had Peach and they are the most delicious cocktails ever ♥ After an hour or so a couple of his friends joined us and we went back to 't Paard and had an amazing night at the 80's and 90's party there. It was a great night, loved every second of it but however got home at 3.30 and had to get up at 7.15 so I was fucking tired all day but it was totally worth it. I had to work, packed my things up again, went to buy some cheese and hung out at his house for almost 2 hours. Had a lovely dinner with my familie including my grandma and at 18.30 my housemate picked me up and we drove back to Gent. Now it's time for bed.




Photober day #15, #16, #17 and #18

Hi there,
Sorry for the lack of blogpost the past few days been doing a lot of studying and a lot of other things. I did however made all the photober photo's. I really hope you enjoy,

Photober day #15 Bird's eye view
At first I thought about making a high up photo. Than I remembered that whenever I'm in Amsterdam I'd trip over the stupid birds sitting on the street looking at you like you're some sort of weird alien. So I though why not make a photo at streethight.
Photober day #16 Highlight of the day
On tuesday I had not an very exciting day, I went to school did my homework, went to fitness and went to the clinic to become a member of centaur and help Maaike with one of their horses, Anneke. After fitness I thought the greatest highlight of my day was in fact my horrible after workout outfit.
Photober day #17 Round
Since my bag is covered in buttons you might like a little sneakpeak of all the awesomeness covering my bag.
Photober day #18 Looking inside
Honestly this was a pretty hard to do this challenge. I'm giving you a look of what's inside of my heart and head. If you look close enough you'll see a lot more than what meets the eye.
Hope you all enjoyed these four days, looking forward to a lot of things especially this weekend.
For now, I'm going to enjoy my night out with one of my housemates




Photober day #11, #12, #13, #14

Well hello there,
I'm so sorry for being offline the past couple of days it has been a crazy weekend. Hope you all did enjoy the last challenge and your weekend ofcourse.
Lets start with the photochallenges and maybe I'll tell something more about my weekend!
Photober day #11 Motion
I took these pictures while my roommate, who practiced ballet for a long time, was dancing in the kitchen. We had a pretty big laugh because my phone wouldn't work correctly so we had a bunch of stupid pictures with just arms and legs on them.
Photober day #12 Transport
Everybody forgets that when you walk you transport yourself.. No one thinks about our poor shoes who carry us around untill they eventually die on us. So here's my tribute to my shoes, I've got quite a lot of shoes actually and not all of them I've used because I was wearing my blue Vans and my Ethnies where back at my parents house and so where a lot of my high heels BUT here's a small sneak peak of my shoecollection.
Photober day #13 Surroundings
Everytime I hear the word surroundings I start thinking about this A Day To Remember song where they say: 'Disrespect your surroundings'. No offence, I like A Day To Remember a lot. SOOO I was a SubwayXL3 with my friends on saturday and I made a little photograph of my surroundings during the event so I'll share some of that information with you guys! Don't mind any weird faces, we where having a blast!
Photober day #14 Hobby
Well 've got a lot of hobby's, one of them you're currently reading so. Other hobby's of mine are horsebackriding, dancing, writing songs and so on. Since I told you guys that I'd put up some photo's my mom took at the clinic a few weeks ago I thought I'd use them here. This is me having a great time with Be Yourself aka Pilsje. The second one is an old one of me and my own horse Gini, I miss her.
Anyway, my weekend was amazing, I saw a movie on friday with a friend of mine, saturdays I went to Subway XL3 at Maassilo, Rotterdam which was AMAZING! Loved every second of that night, we came home at 6 am so I'm pretty tired right now. Today I've done some shopping for this week, bought nice bananas nom and the same friend I hung out with on friday came over which was really nice! That was my weekend hope you all enjoyed yours and this blog ofcourse.



Photober day #10

Well hello there,

Yesterday was the actual day 10 of this photochallenge but because I wasn't feeling to great I did made the picture but I waited to show all of you untill today.
Photober day #10 tourist
My housemate came with this amazing idea to make a camera out of paper and I thought it was such an amazing idea that I followed through and made my own camera, which looks amazing... Haha
My housemate made the picture and we had a big laugh doing it.
After I took of my lovely looking outfit my roommate fooled around with the camera and I caught it on a picture.
Right now I'm working on my photober day #11.. Really wondering how it'll turn out, hopefully you'll like it. Looking forward to showing you what I came up with. Hope it'll be online somewhere tonight or maybe tomorrow morning.

Have a nice day,


Photober day #8 & #9

Hi guys,

today's day nine of photober which means I skipped day 8 so this will again be a double photober! I haven't had the best two days since I'm still not feeling to well plus the weather is killing me. Yesterday my oldandnewhousemate Maaike and I went on a lovely dinnerdate together. We got ourselfs some nice kebabs with frites and stuff, nomnom it was really nice!
Photober day #8 Slow shutter speed
Since I still don't have my camera here and I kind off like doing this photochallenge with my phone I don't have a slow shutter speed button so I made a photograph of my lovely vanilla candle which smells amazing.
Photober day #9 Green Energy
What's not more green than a cow who makes milk and eats grass? Nothing. Haha no forget it haha, I just love the picture, it's a canvas hanging in our kitchen and it's a cow so that says it all.
Hope you enjoyed day #8 and #9, tomorrow will hopefully be a lot more creative and since my dog is farting so badly that I'm starting to feel dizzy I think it's time for a walk and than straight to bed because I'm in pain and sleepy as hell. I'll see you all tomorrow on photober the 10th, have a great night and a great day.




Photober day #7

Hi there guys,

so it's the end of this weekend, too bad so sad! Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
I had a lovely weekend spending time on friday watching a movie on the couch and my saturday trying to find the right fabric for my Halloweencostume which turned out to be a pretty damn expensive joke.. butyeah it's worth it I hope.
Anyways I had a lovely dinner with some friends including a good friend of mine who has her own blog Being Alana. she's an amazing artist! After that I went home, changed and had a nice evening outside just hanging out. Today I had to work early and had a lovely ride with Be Yourself outside with my mom, sisters and our horses. So that's that now I'm bloody tired and just finishing todays blog so that I can hit the sack.
Photober day 7 Meal
I was planning on making a photograph of my moms amazing spinach-hamcakething it was delicious but unfortunately I forgot and  already ate my slice when I remembered so sorry for that guys. Here's a picture of my dessert, which looks like crap but tastes sooooo good!♥

Hope you all had an amazing weekend,



Photober day #4, #5 and #6

Well hello there,

Because of a way to busy schedule the last 2 days I had no time to post a new blog feauturing my new photober photo´s.
So here they are
Photober day 4 was hidden object
I choose love as a hidden object since not everyone shows love the way they should and I try to keep my love close and not letting anyone steal my heart quickly since it has been broken way to many times.
Photober day 5 was on a roof
This is a photo taken on the roof of my parents house today because yesterday it was really really bad weather so I couldn´t photograph outside otherwise my beloved phone would drown.
Photober day 6 is animal
Today it´s day 6 so since I´m at my parents house and I already showed you guys tons of photo´s with my puppy in it I thought I´d be a nice thing to make a photo of one of our other animals. Right now we own 3 guinea pigs who are called Snip (4 years old), Snap (4 years old) and Punky (1 year old), 2 rabbits called Witje (9 years old) and Teddy (1 year old), 2 horses Frija (23 years old) and Wondertje (5 years old) and ofcourse a lot of spiders, bugs etc. etc.
This is Witje, the oldest of our little animals, who is 9 years old atm which is very very old for a rabbit. He's lovely, not always has been but nowadays he's just a little fragile old man sniffing around.
Well that's it for today guys, looking forward to tomorrow's challenge but first it's time to go out for dinner with some friends and maybe after that I might hang out with a friend of mine but we'll see. Tomorrow I'm off for my first trip outside with Be Yourself so I'm pretty excited for that and in the afternoon I'll prob work on my Halloweencostume.

Have a nice weekend,



Photober day #3

Hi guys!

So as I said yesterday I´m doing a photochallenge this month!
Today the challenge was upsidedown which was a little bit of a challenge since I was trying to find something fun to do sooo I´ve got a little challenge for you guys.
What am I really vacuuming on this photo?
Hope you all enjoyed your day, here in Belgium it was all rainy and cold and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's world wide animal day or at least here in Belgium/The Netherlands it is. Lovely we're going out with a bunch of people for dinner and after that a movie at our place!

Have a nice day/night,


Photober #1 & #2

Well hello there guys,

I´m so sorry for my lack of blogposts last month it has been a crazy few weeks. First of all school has started again and it takes some time to find time to do anything other than school. I´m only in my first week now though. Second I´ve had 2 weeks off after my exams so I had a bit of chilling and doing nothing just hanging out with friends and familie it was amazing. A lot has happened since my last blogpost but I´ll just keep you updated with the most important ones.
First of all I had an amazing weekend with my mom and our horses in Ede and hanging out with my housemate was amazing aswell. Pictures will be online soon.
I did some amazing chillings with old friends, one whom I had not seen for over 3 years so it was great catching up with her. Furthermore I did some catching up with old friends and made plans to maybe go to Sheffau in February, which I´m already looking forward to.
Last weekend I had a nice chill weekend with a friend of mine who I used to hang out with untill about 3 years ago and now we´ve started hanging out again and I´m very happy with that because he´s an amazing person and a great friend. I also went to a little festival kind off thing at Latenstaan which is the same clubhouseloungething I talked about in my last blog. It was an amazing night just hanging out and being with friends. On sunday I had a ABC-Dressage clinic with Be Yourself and it went amazingly well and I'm very proud of Be Yourself!
I, however, am a little ill at the moment. It started on sunday but yesterday it was really bad and today it got a little better but I'm still not over it unfortunatly.
Right now I wanted to tell you guys that I'm starting a new month of blogging.. Photober? Blogtober? I'm not quite sure yet. Anyway I've got this from my best friend Sanne from omdat ik dat wilblog. She got it from bij gebrek aan beter so here it is;
So this means I'll be blogging everyday this month! Big yaay for that, I've already done two challenges so be sure to check them out in older blogposts of mine.
So today you'll get both the first of october and the second.
The first one is a selfportrait I actually took a while back but since I'm sick right now and my camera is still back at my parents house I thought I'd use an old one.
Secondly is something purple which I'm wearing today so I took a photo of that and posted it on instagram. Be sure to follow my instagram because I'll post this weeks photo's on it, my instagram name is rpinguin.
 So here are photober's number #1 and #2!
I'll post day three tomorrow, have a good night/day if yours hasn't started yet.
