as some of you might know, I live in Belgium and during the weekend I spend my time at my boyfriends and my parents back in the Netherlands. The weather here usually sucks pretty badly, though we sometimes do have nice sunny days. Yesterday and the day before were two of those amazing days where all I want to do is hang out in a park with my friends buuuut since I had to go to college all I could do was hang out on the couch by the window with my roommates. It was lovely though and I enjoyed every minute of it. Unfortunately today it hasn't stopped raining since like 8am... muhhh. This kind of weather usually gets me down pretty badly, especially after two amazing sunny days. SO here are a few tips on how to make spring and nice weather last longer in your house/room.
1. Make yourself a nice breakfast, lunch or dinner (I prefer doing all three hihi).
2. Put on you most amazing springcoloured sweater/shirt and just pretend that you're the sunshine! :)
3. Clean your room, a clean room makes me happy!
4. Turn on your speakers and just let the music be the blue skies
5. Make a list of things you want to do this spring/summer and start with number 1 (or 2 if no1. is something you have to do ouside).
6. Schedule a nice holidaydestination with you friends/boyfriend/girlfriend/sisters!
7. Look at this cute face and smile!
Well I hope these tips will come in handy when spring is a bit rainy! :) Have a lovely day and weekend!