
You're awesome

You're the person that makes me laugh late at night because of your weird sentences and weird opinion on the world. We laugh and cry ever now and than and say everything that is on our mind to eachother. It only takes you 1 minute and 10 seconds to text me back and when I don't text back you tend to text me again so that I will text eventually. You never make fun of me no mather how stupid I am or how stupid I sounds and whenever I need someone to just talk to you you're always there. You're actually really sweet, funny, lovely and always talking a lot about everything you're thinking.
Dance dance to the music of your heart. It's weird though because you're the little brother I've always seen as the little brother so that makes it a little complicated. Untill last night when your sister told me that she thought it would be really awesome if we would date. So, wanna hang out?
I'm not really good at this as you may see, I haven't asked him out, yet?, so maybe you're not the most wonderfull flirt and you're a pretty shy person without the guts to tell a guy you like him? Don't worry too much, you're awesome even when you're shy and not able to tell him everything!


1 opmerking:

Sanne zei

hier kom ik achter al je geheimen. hihi <3