
Weekend update

Well hello there,
so I promised a little long-weekend-update soooo here we go. We had a long weekend off last week because of some weird holiday-days which I liked a lot.
We came home last wednesday late because of traffic which was lovely... NOT! Sometimes traffic here is one big mess especially Antwerp. I don't know what everyone in Belgium thinks but WHY THE HELL don't they just do something about this horrible traffic of theirs, I must say that the people here in belgium are the worst drivers ever... Sorry if you're someone from Belgium but you should do something about the driving licenses here.
Anyway after I came home I went to Luc's house to hang out which we did untill 4 in the morning... I was soooo tired after that I overslept for a hour on thursday.. oepsie?
Since Pilsje's owner is at home with a hernia I went to the stables almost every day. On thursday Pilsje wasn't really in the mood for a nice ride so I gave up after half an hour of fighting.
Thursdaynight I went to see Skyfall with Luc, I had plans already to see it with a friend of mine but because I had to ride Pilsje on thursday and friday there was no time to go to Leiden where he lives so I had to cancel, to movie is SO SICK! If you haven't already you should really go and watch it.
Fridays I went to Pilsje again and this time she was amazing! Had a really nice time riding her and by the time we were done we both were tired but so happy and relaxed. After that I went home with my mom to find Luc chilling with my Grandma (who's staying at my parents place for a while because she broke her arm). We went to his house after I changed with Jessie because his mom and stephdad wanted to see him superbadly! We had dinner at my parents place, my mom baked her amazing lasagne♥.
Saturdays I went to Eindhoven with my bestest friend in the whole wide world for Blackout, which was soooo super nice and lovely. We stayed at this amazing hotel called Park Plaza in Eindhoven and it was supernice service and I really recommend it. Blackout in the Effenaar was really nice and we had a great evening. Sundays I went home, went to the stables for Pilsje and I had a birthday. The birthday was really nice but I went home early because we had to go back to Gent.
I'm saving money for a trip to the moon.. well not for me because I'm really scared of hights but Luc wants to it as his christmas present.. it's only 73.333 euros.... I'm fucked.
It's really cold right now and my dog wants to go sleep and I want to go to bed too BUT I wanted to quickly update you on something else.
I'll be doing the analoge photochallenge which I will upload at the END of this month. I'll be doing another update hopefully somewhere this week on the blackoutphoto's we took with an analoge camera.
For now,
Goodnight and enjoy your day,

2 opmerkingen:

Sanne zei

You had the nicest weekend! Met je vriendje en je vriendinnetje ;), leuk schatje! Heel leuk geschreven :). Ik ben kei benieuwd naar je foto's van je uitdaging! Super leuk dat je meedoet :D. Moet je er veel inhalen? Ik moet die allebei van het weekend nog inhalen.. maar voor de rest heb ik het tot nu toe goed gedaan, elke dag de juiste foto :). LIEFS

Sanne zei

Inderdaad liefje, dat er nog maar heel heel heel veel feestjes en heel heel heel veel mooie foto's mogen volgen! Maar dat lukt vast wel, met zo'n lief meisje als jij. <3