Today I thought about doing something different. Something that shows a bit more about me and who I was growing up as a teenager. Since my teenage years will end next monday I thought this would be the perfect time to do so. I'll show you my hairstyles over the last few years. Hopefully you'll find them just as funny as I do, some I still do like and I'll give you a little comment on how old I was and so on. So lets start!
Welcome in 2007, july, long blond hair and I was only 14 years old
December of 2007 I had my first ball. March of 2008 my hair looked blonder than ever
November of 2008 I was kicked in the head which left me with a scar above my left eye.. I had a fringe eversince. December 2008 it got a bit long though haha.
January 2009 my little bestfriend Joost was introduced, I still secretly keep him next to me in bed when my boy is not around. March the same year my hair got shortened a lot.
April and May 2009, lovely haircut and I wanted to be something other than regular... which became a whole new me... a real me.
June was a lovely summermonth. September 2009 I coloured and cut my hair.. Until this day I still love this haircut, with the coontails and the black underneath.
September and October with the same amazing haircut even though the coontails started to faint.
December 2009 I was on my way to work. In May the next year I cut my fringe to a whole new level... a really short new level.
September 2010 I had my fringe cut straight because I thought it looked cute. January 2011 I had a lovely photoshoot with Koen from The Bache and Bryan from Mr. Dias.
January and March of the same year I went trough a tongue fase..?
March I had my straight fringe cut up to the end of my ear which was pierced (a industrial)
THAN all of a sudden (not really I was actually trying to find my balls just for doing this I think for about 2 months... haha) in May 2011 I decided to shave my hair of on one side and whilst I was sitting at the hairdresser (Kinki Kappers) I thought why not colour it... what about red?! I loved it and still do.
July the same year I went on a holiday in Spain.. My hair turned orangy and I still loved it.
July and still going strong down on orangelane. August I thought I'd give my hair a nice cut and colour.. Only this time the hairdresser didn't understand the deadparts-remove thing.. But yeah..
Look at that nice lock. In november I decided it was time to move on and become a little bit more grown up since I moved to Gent and started studying... I told the hairdresser (Kinki Kappers again) I wanted it short and the result was the most amazing haircut I could've wished for.
January and February 2012 my red was still trying to be a part of my hair so it looked a bit weird but hé, that's me.
April I cut my hair short for a second time and I liked it (even though it made me look like a boy when I just woke up) hihi.
June was the time my little sister Julia left for the USA. I miss her a lot but luckily she's coming back this June.
July and August where all about moving houses in Gent and getting ready for yet another year of diehard studying. My fringe became a straight one again!
September was about starting a new year with new people in a new house. My fringe was a bit too long but I liked it that way. October was all about Subway XL3 and being me.
December of last year was a bit about goofing around and just being happy and my sidecut fringe looked perfect.
New Year's was about curly hair and being completly happy with life as it is.
January was about dipdying my hair red-purple-ish.
March was giving my fringe a new look, the straight one again and just being happy.
Well I hope you all liked this little hairpost. If you want I'd love to see your hairstyle over the past few years! :) Leave a comment with your post or just a picture of your new hairstyle!
Have a lovely day,
3 opmerkingen:
Hahaaa vet leuke post! :D Ik wist niet dat er zoveel stijlen voorbij waren gekomen :O mijn haar is zo saai en onveranderd gebleven in vergelijking met de jouwe :(
Haha erg hea?! Het zijn er echt onwijs veel haha. AJOH maar jou haar zit tenminste altijd leuk, dat van mij ziet er af en toe niet uit hahahah!
Wat een super mega leuke post!
Waaaauw je hebt zo veel gedaan met je haar en ik vond het allemaal geweldig staan <3. Het lijkt wel zo snel weer gegroeid! Omdat we het allebei kort hadden tegelijkertijd, maar ik het niet kan laten groeien (omdat ik het snel zat ben :p) en jij nu alweer een staart in kan (of nu niet meer?). Super leuk schatje <3 wat ben je toch een knap kind!
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