
Picture imperfect day 3&4

Helloooo there!

This is my waaaay too late blogpost on day 3&4 since I have not touched my laptop for 2.5 days, oops?

We had an emergency trip to Gent on Thursday because of feedback on our passed exams and we had to pack our rooms so Maaike and I went back there for 18 hours or so.. We had the worst sleep EVER on Thursday night and both woke up around 5 in the morning on friday... How lovely?
Anyway here are my snaps from Wednesday and Thursday

I love this nailcolour which is Catrice Cosmetics limited edition Candy Shock.. It's a pastel yellow colour

Because I was busy packing on Thursday I thought I'd share a Parkpop picture from June 30. It was a lovely sunny sunday in at Parkpop with nice iced cocktails, a bit like a Slush nom!

Hope you liked this post and let me know how your weekend was!

Geen opmerkingen: