Well hello there!
Over the last couple of days I've been thinking about what I wanted to accomplish in 2014. And that got me thinking on why I haven't made any new years resolutions except from being healthier. Aaaaand my best best friend Sanne made this little list of things she wanted to accomplish this year so I thought what do I want to do this year.. anything special?!
This is turning in to one of those, I-talk-to-much-about-nothing posts buuut I thought I'd sit down and actually talk to you guys about what has been happening in my life over the past few weeks since the new years started and what might happen later this week, month, year?!
First off, it has been a crazy two weeks. As soon as school started again it was a moment of complete chaos in my agenda, my mind and my life. I had a few partys, did a little bartendering thing with one of my roommates, plan a few projects for school as well as for other things in life. I survived though and got everything rolling now so that's a big relief. I still have some amazing things coming up in the next couple of weeks. First up this friday I'm finally going to see my best of the best Sanne ♥ Sunday the boy and I are going to the forest with the little monsterpuppy hihi. My sister and I might be going out in Amsterdam in two weeks time and to top it all off I've got another exam coming up by the end of the month. YAAY!
Furthermore, the boy and I are going to... DISNEYYYYY! In Paris, oooohyessss I can't wait ♥ It'll be another month and 7 days waiting but it's all worth it. Also we might be interrailing this summer (using the train to travel for about 3 weeks across Europe) soo if you know a place we need to visit?!
By the end of the year I want to be able to say; I made the best of 2014 and I'd do it all over again! (I also want to loose a few pounds, get tattooed, maybe get another piercing, change my hair yet again, see my friends and the boy even more, kicking it with my horsey, doing a lot of fun things, read another 10 books, start a youtube channel, buy a new camera, finish my first year of vetschool and kick ass the first semester of my second year.. so many things so little time.. Lets get cracking!)
I hope you didn't mind me mumbling about everything that's going on in my life aaaand I'll see you guys soon!
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