

Hellooooo guys,

This month has been one hell of a month with both great things and really bad things.
First of all my exams finished almost 3 weeks ago and I went on a really nice holiday in Austria.
Nice Etaphotel on the way to Ellmau 
Hellooooo first day in the snow!
Hello second day of mist and snow...
Amazing view from the hotelroom
Nice day with the sun taking a sneakpeak trough the clouds
Nice ride back to the top
Amazing view on the mountaintop
YAAY I love this 
My car totally got snowed in just a little
Nice nice nice I like this slope.
well.. this won't work 
Sun I love you
Hello there camera
Having a nice ride
Nitro T1
Sunny afternoon
On my way back home
I must say it was a wonderfull week although I missed my little Jessie monster and monsieur le boyfriend a lot.
After my holiday I just had one day back home with the boy and on monday we left for Gent again. We painted our kitchen and livingroom which look awesome right now! They're three different kinds of blue which came out amazing. 
After that it was hard getting back into the real school rithm getting up early and all that stuff. I was also pretty hard after almost two months of being home a lot and being able to see the boy a lot it was and still is pretty hard to be away all week. BUT since he is the most amazing boyfriend in the world and, god only knows how he does it, managing to deal with me being all annoying about being away and failing at everything and missing him. It's amazing how well he's able to make me smile every day and that I get butterflies every time I see him (even when it's skype and I'm in my bloody sexy Hello Kitty PJ's looking all fancy and zombie-like). 
Jessie turned 1 year last friday which was really really nice. I bought him an awefull jacket haha, my mom and sisters bought him a nice pillow for in my room and the boy bought him nice chewingsticks. 
The most amazing news is that Luc and I are... drumrolls please!... GOING TO LONDON for four days in April!! I really can't wait and will keep you all updated.
In the mean time I also changed my hair, I dipdyed it with red.
School right now is really busy and since during my exams my sparetime was limited I need to get my blogging rolling again!
Being very nice and very awkward! ♥

Well that'll be it for today! :) Hopefully you've enjoyed this little update and I will see you guys soon!

1 opmerking:

Sanne zei

<3 leuk om te lezen lieverd! Leuke foto's van jou in de sneeuw, en van jou en je vriendje en je hondje!