
Picture Imperfect Day 22&23

Today it's Wednesday which means it's only like 1.5 more days before the boy and I take of for a little holiday on Crete for two weeks, I can't wait!
Sooooo today I'll be doing a lot of things BUT I'll tell you all about that tomorrow but what have I been doing for the past two days?!
Monday was crazy, I was at the horsies for like two hours and after that one of my roommates came by aaaaand after that I had to work on my blog and searching for a house and taking pictures. I had a nice dinner at the boys house aaaaaaaaaaand that's it. 
Tuesdays I spend the entire day at the beach first with my mom and sister and around 1 the boy joined and my mom and sister left. Jessie was with me the whole time and we had a lot of fun ♥ Eventually I had dinner with two of my old highschoolfriends which was really nice. After that I went to the boys place and he and a friend were watching Oblivion which was a really good movie but I was way to confused at the end because I missed the first like 45 minutes but oh well it was nice.

The snaps
What I was working with all monday

Yes I'm in my bikini, yes it's the internet, deal with it.

How's you week been so far?!


Photochallenge July

Todaaaaay, a bit late, is challenge daaaaaaay!
How lovely is that? Today it's a pretty depressing day after about a week of amazing weather, today it's cloudly BUT it's still nice and warm so I'll take it.
The challenge itself

Take a look at Sanne's blog or her Drie-Zes-Vijf blog for more on the challenge

Soooo let's get on to it shall we?
First up the delayed Sunset picture

Playing with shadows around 7.15 in the morning

Flowers in my parents garden, I like the lilac

In motion, Jessie going crazy in the garden with his tennisball

My little photocollection, all just old and new analoge pictures

Jessie before walkies in the morning

Jessie after walkies in the morning hahaha

Color scheme next to my bed, it's all Vogue's and Vice's and fifty shades

After dark, the boy enjoying a little cocktail

The boy and I will be flying to Crete this friday sooo tomorrow evening there will be an last picture imperfect after todays and after that it'll be a little quiet here because there's no internet around there. But when I come back I'll finish my Picture Imperfects AND the Photochallenge.
Hopefully you week is as awesome as mine,



Picture Imperfect Day 19&20&21

The weekend is overrrr muhhhh!
AND this is what I did;

Fridaaaaaaaaaay, what the hell did I do on friday?... OH! I remember I went to the stables and I came home and I GOT IN TO THE UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT VETERINARY MEDICINE AAAAAWHYEAH! haha and I had a little party with the boy at a cocktailbar called Vavoom in The Hague.
Saturday I had to get up early because I was stupid enough to plan a hairdressers appointment at 9.30 in the morning.. Funny me, getting up at 8 is not a good idea somedays. I came home without my hair haha. we went to Brussel with the family to put my younger sister on a plane to Malawi for 2.5 weeks. We went to bed early, no comment haha.
Sunday was sunny so the boy and le chien and the boys sister Isabelle and I went to the beach at Kijkduin. It was awesome and we had a lot of fun. We had a bbq later that afternoon aaaaand I fell asleep around 22.30 because I was exhausted.

Curly friday-hair

Frozen Fruit Daiquirri's NOMNOM

aaaaaaaaand it's gone

Hello there sand, whatsup?!

Alright and now I'll go and pick up the boy at the busstop and walk monsieur le chien aaaaaaaaaand upload this badboy! Photochallenge will be up tomorrow! :)



Picture Imperfect Day 17&18


yesterday a letter came in the mail from the University of Utrecht, I was really nervous because it contained the results of the raffle and weither or not I got in to Veterinary Medicine there... It kept my future in a little letter... I was dying on the inside haha. BUT I GOT IN!!!! I'm so happy and still can't believe it but next year I'll be a Vet-student at the UU!

Hihi anyway on the snaps. Wednesday I went riding with my mom and my sister, it was really nice and Wondertje did amazing. In the afternoon my sister and I went to the doggybeach with Jessie and had a blast. Jessie likes swimming but somehow he always looks so sad haha. He does enjoy it though and wants to fetch the ball and stuff, crazy little monkey. On Thursday my mom, sister and I went to the horses and in te afternoon I had to pick up the boy at work and go to his little brothers musical. It was sooooo cute haha. We had a lot of fun.
Little spoiler for monday; I got a new haircut today!

The snaps

This little monkey is fetching the ball

Swimming haha

OOTD on Thursday

Well I hope you're all having a lovely weekend, I'm having an amazing weekend because of yesterdays news haha. 



Picture Imperfect Day 15&16

Helloooooo there blogworld!
Internet is unfortunately going crazy at the moment so I hope this post doesn't get lost.. You've got to love the interweb. Anyway! This week has been a little bit of a crazy week. First up was my monday when I was suppose to get the results of the raffle for the University of Utrecht but they moved the whole damn thing to friday... AAAH!! One of my roommates came over to make sure I was still breathing because of the stress.
Tuesday I moved all my stuff back from Gent to my parents garage which did suck a bit.. It was harder than I thought it'd be leaving my room and my house behind but I'm on my way to a new adventure and I can't wait! After my mom and I came home we quickly unpacked and I went to a bbq at a friends house with the boy. It was amazing and we had a lot of fun! Today I'm doing a lot of things but I'll update you guys tomorrow with the biggest news this week: Were will I be next year?!
The pictures
My roommate brought me Jelly Beans to make me feel better, I now feel fat and nauseous haha.

Moving a lot a lot of stuff

My room without all my things in it.. feels weird seeing this

So hopefully you guys's summer is amazing and you've got a lot of great plans for the next few weeks!


Picture Imperfect Day 12&13&14

An all new episode of the picture imperfect range!
Fridays was a bit of a crazy day with lots of appointments and stuff but eventually I had a really nice evening with the boy at Rotterdam. Saturday the boy and I had a bit of a lazy day, we ended up just hanging out and going to the park with Jessie. Sundays my family and I went to the racetracks at The Hague called Duindigt which was such an amazing experience. Spend the night hanging out at the boys house. Overall a really nice and chill weekend.
Here are the snaps I made this weekend.

Kick off the weekend with a Bubble Tea

Monster and co.

At the race of Credit Crush

How was your weekend?!

Photochallenge July

Today is the challenge day, aaaaaahyeah! Haha, unfortunately I didn't get the picture for day number 8 but I'll tell you that.. NOW!

Take a look at Sanne's blog or her Drie-Zes-Vijf blog for more on the challenge

Day 8 is missing because I haven't got time to take a pretty picture during sunset or sunrise so hopefully it'll be editted in the next one. 
Moving on tooooo day 9!

Up close on my JC high heels 

Unusual combination of Van Mells ripoffs and Jelly Beans ♥

Looking up in my closet I see Gini's old bridle

My home, my bed at my parents house, because of the move I don't have my own place

A drawing of Bambi I made about 5 years ago

My new Black & White cropped top for New Look

I hope you liked my photo's and for more please check out Sanne's blog and I hope you had a lovely weekend!


Picture Imperfect Day 10&11

Hellooooo there blogworld!
Today is a very lovely, very nice summery Saturday, at least here in the Netherlands it is. For today's blog I've got my pictures for last Wednesday and Thursday.
I've been pretty ill for the past few days so forgive me for the fact that this is a day late. Anyway lets get on to the pictures.
I mostly stayed in last few days because I was feeling really bad so for Wednesday I've got a picture from a little over a year ago when I took Jessie home with me, tiny little thing. It has been a year and we're pretty much inseparable.
For Thursday I stayed in again and only went out to go to the horses and to sleep at Luc's but I stayed in the rest of the day. Here's how Jessie likes to spend his qualitytime with me haha.

Look at that pretty face

Lazy bones haha

Mondays will be update-day for this weekend and the Photochallenge! Have an amazing weekend!


Picture Imperfect Day 8&9

Hellooooo there again!
My best of the best Sanne and I went on a little shopping trip yesterday in Rotterdam. After that her bf suggested that we, meaning me and the boy who was coming to Rotterdam after work, should stay for a nice BBQ in the park. Ofcourse we said YES, to the park and not a dress hihi, so we had a lovely lovely bbq with them and one of their roommates. It was amazing, we had a great time aaaand I want to thank both Sanne and her bf for the amazing bbq and stuff!
Mondays was pretty non-spectaculair since I was staying in to work on my blog and stuff so I only took one snap. hihi enjooooy

We had a lovely pasta-salad, bread with Paturain and a french cheese, another salad, the boys had meat and Sanne and I had a nice veggie-fillet ♥

This little monster was watching the rabbits running away from us in the park, lovely summerday! ♥

Well that'll be all for today, hope you had a lovely few summerdays and may you have a lovely day today!


Jessie's Sunny Saturday


Hihi, because I took maybe a few shots last saturday (let's just say maybe like 150?! hihi oops) I thought I'd share some of the pictures I had not share with you guys in my Photochallenge July post! Loooots of photo's to see these days! Hope you all enjoy!

Someone's excited

Watching the duckies


What's that?!

Hanging out with my homie

You saw that RIGHT?!

I love these two

He's thinking about boarding another ship haha

He's pretty nice

It's so fluffy


Captain Jessie

We're on a boat

How was your weekend?!