
Pile Of Books

Hi guys,

As you might know, or not, I love to read books. Unfortunately since I've been studying the amount of books I read in a year have decreased fast. When I was still in highschool/college (which in the Netherlands is from 12 untill you're 18 years old), I read about 8-10 books a year. Nowadays I'm lucky if I finish 4 books a year. But that aside I thought I'd give you all a little peak in my bookcollection. Keep in mind though that I'm still at my parents house so I unfortunately can't show how I store them normally. I also read a lot of Dutch books but I'll only conclude some books here that I know are available in English

Hunger Games Triology by Suzanne Collins 

Fifty Shades Triology by EL James (number I is missing because it's somewhere in a box waiting for my new house)

Harry Potter series by RK Rowling (Hardcovered dutch versions though)

The World According To Garp by John Irving (Dutch version)

In Lucia's Eyes by Arthur Japin
Unfortunately this book was missing, either it's in a box somewhere waiting for me to move or one of my sisters is reading it! I must admit though that this is my all time favorite book.

F*ck I'm In My Twenties by Emma Koenig (got it for my birthday and actually like it)

Those are a few of my most beloved books. Especially In Lucia's Eyes, I think I've read that book about five times already. I still need to finish Fifty Shades Freed though, I'm stuck at chapter one haha.

What do you suggest I should read? I've already got my eyes on the Divergent Triology, the Twilight Series and all the Mortal Instruments books. I'm curious to know what you like to read!


1 opmerking:

Melissa zei

Harry potter! De beste reeks ooit!