
Picture Imperfect Day 15&16

Helloooooo there blogworld!
Internet is unfortunately going crazy at the moment so I hope this post doesn't get lost.. You've got to love the interweb. Anyway! This week has been a little bit of a crazy week. First up was my monday when I was suppose to get the results of the raffle for the University of Utrecht but they moved the whole damn thing to friday... AAAH!! One of my roommates came over to make sure I was still breathing because of the stress.
Tuesday I moved all my stuff back from Gent to my parents garage which did suck a bit.. It was harder than I thought it'd be leaving my room and my house behind but I'm on my way to a new adventure and I can't wait! After my mom and I came home we quickly unpacked and I went to a bbq at a friends house with the boy. It was amazing and we had a lot of fun! Today I'm doing a lot of things but I'll update you guys tomorrow with the biggest news this week: Were will I be next year?!
The pictures
My roommate brought me Jelly Beans to make me feel better, I now feel fat and nauseous haha.

Moving a lot a lot of stuff

My room without all my things in it.. feels weird seeing this

So hopefully you guys's summer is amazing and you've got a lot of great plans for the next few weeks!

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