
Picture Imperfect Day 8&9

Hellooooo there again!
My best of the best Sanne and I went on a little shopping trip yesterday in Rotterdam. After that her bf suggested that we, meaning me and the boy who was coming to Rotterdam after work, should stay for a nice BBQ in the park. Ofcourse we said YES, to the park and not a dress hihi, so we had a lovely lovely bbq with them and one of their roommates. It was amazing, we had a great time aaaand I want to thank both Sanne and her bf for the amazing bbq and stuff!
Mondays was pretty non-spectaculair since I was staying in to work on my blog and stuff so I only took one snap. hihi enjooooy

We had a lovely pasta-salad, bread with Paturain and a french cheese, another salad, the boys had meat and Sanne and I had a nice veggie-fillet ♥

This little monster was watching the rabbits running away from us in the park, lovely summerday! ♥

Well that'll be all for today, hope you had a lovely few summerdays and may you have a lovely day today!

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