
Forgotten future

Mennnnnnnnnnn I'm tired. Woke up early this sundaymorning, just like every sundaymorning, and had to work. After that I went horsebackriding with my mom, last time went amazing only today Frija was scared of everything. She saw things and heard things and scared the crap out of me. But still it was a really nice ride and amazing weather and we had a lot of fun. After that I had lunch with my sister, took a shower and packed my bags again for Gent. Now I'm trying to concentrate on school which is clearly impossible.
Day 21
A picture of something you wish you could forget
How you hope your future will look like
Something I wish I could forget is the day my horse kicked me in my face. Obviously I tried to make the scar as invisible as I can but since I refuse to wear foundation and all that shit it's still there watching me. Most of the people don't see it untill I say I have a scar on my face. Normally I wear my hair in front of it because although most of the people can't see it I just know it's there.

The first one is my scar. I've noticed that I was a real winner in making sure that no on would see it. The second one is me making sure no one could see my scar. It goes from my nose right next to my eyebrow up till halfway through my forehead. I haven't got a picture of the cut when it was really recent because it looked awefull al red and bloody with stitches and stuff. Soyeah hell am I proud of it, NOT!
My future will hopefully just be great. I really hope to be a vet in six years, finish University, working and living on my own or with a husband or something. Maybe I'll just get myself a dog I don't need a man! I hope to have a dog (from a shelter) and an Iceland pony (their sooo nice!) and still be best friends with Sanne, still having 3 amazing sisters and both my parents. That's it I guess, I just want to be happy in my future! ;D
That's it for today, I'll be joining everybody for dinner and than I'm off to Gent onceagain.


2 opmerkingen:

Sanne zei

Ik zal voor altijd je beste vriendin blijven en jij ook die voor mij! Je bent geweldig lief en hartstikke mooi. En ik weet ook dat je het kan, je school afmaken en dierenarts worden. Je bent een geweldig meisje!

rawrpinguin zei

je bent zo lief! <3