
Todays worries

Haha my computer just totally freaked out because of something I guess? Really weird I was just trying to download a little programe so that I can actually put my photo's from my phone to my computer. But now my virusscanner is completely freaking out so I'll ask my mom tomorrow about this. Anyhow it's really weird weather here in Belgium right now because it has been raining all day long and it's bloody hot.. So the crisis of what to wear today is complete since rain means long sleeves and jeans and 77 Fahrenheit means hotpants and top sooo that's kindoff confusing. Furthermore I've had an amazingly nice night though I'm still pretty tired so some weird reason and sooooo stoked for tomorrow! I'll be volunteering at this festival called Jera On Air next week and I really can't WAIT!! Tomorrow is the first crewnight and on saturday I'll be helping out with the first day of building up the stages and stuff. Yaay but that's not what I'm writing about today... well even though I just did hahaha!
Day 25 (Can't believe there are only 5 more days left!)
A picture of your day
Something you're currently worrying about
A picture of my day? Well oke, uhm I haven't got a proper picture of my day I think since I've been in college the whole day and I've been outsite of about an hour and behind my desk for the rest of the time... So what do you want to see? I'll make a picture of my desk since that represents the best part I guess because my schooldesk looked much alike with all the papers and pencils and stuff running everywhere.
Made with Instagram (rpinguin I think!). Oeeeh dinner is almost ready, my roommate is one of the best cooks I know! NOMNOMNOM! And she's watching Harry Potter 3? agaaaaaaaaaaaaain!
Something I'm currently worrying about is, as you all might know, weither or not I'll pass my exams properly so that nextyear I'll be in my second year instead of doing the first year again... I really really hope I'll pass all examens so that in august I'll only have to do the first four I didn't pass.. That's what I'm worried about mostly these days, actually everyday because I'm so worry that I'm not taking enough time in studying every single little detail. It'll be alright though I'm doing the best I can! Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to do day number 26 otherwise ít'll be saturday!


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